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Do I Need Permit For a New Roof?

Aug 11

If you are planning a new roof for your home, you may be wondering whether you need an approval. This article will explain the reasons you might need a permit. It does not matter if you are homeowner or member in good standing of an Homeowner's Association. There are exceptions to the permit requirement. And, as always you'll want the best estimate possible.

Homeowner associations might need a permit for roofing work

In some cases, homeowners associations could require a permit to roof. This is only the case in the case of a small cooperative interest by the homeowners association on the project. To avoid being fined or needing to redo work, homeowners should review HOA rules. HOA documentation should clearly define the rules for the work.

Plywood or OSB sheeting damaged

Before you begin installing your new roof, make certain to know the distinctions between OSB and plywood sheeting. OSB is comprised of wood sheets that are glued together under high pressure. While plywood is usually heavier than OSB but it is more sturdy and does not suffer from deformation caused by the presence of moisture. It also comes at a fraction of the cost of plywood.

The cost of a plywood or OSB sheeting replacement could be costly, but the cost is less than the resulting problems caused by sheathing that is rotting. You can also avoid future damage by replacing it. It is an excellent idea to ask your contractor if it is required to replace this material, too. A damaged roof could result in additional costs and issues.

The trusses are damaged

Hire a reliable roofing professional before you replace or repair your roof trusses. They are licensed, insured and knowledgeable about the local building code. They will efficiently finish the repairs. Before you decide, get at least three estimates for truss replacement or repair. Get references from them and make sure that the estimate includes all labor and materials.

A contractor must have a building permit for any major repairs, such as walls studs or trusses. This is applicable to electrical as well as mechanical work in addition to trusses. While certain roof repairs or alterations don't require permits, some do. Depending on the extent of damage, permits could be required for major repairs. A permit to install a roof on your home could cost you as much as $300 annually.

Exemptions from the requirement for the need for a permit

Before you can begin your project, you'll require a building permit when you intend to construct a roof. A building permit may not be needed for certain types of projects like the construction of roofing. Section 101.2 of the Building Code lists the types of projects that require the approval of a permit. To determine whether your project is permitted you must consult with the building department in your area.

A permit for roof replacement is required when you intend do the task yourself. A permit will ensure that the work is legal and will not be a cause for fines or illegal construction. Also, it will ensure that the work you perform is compliant with building codes that are accepted standards of quality. Roofers who are licensed will ensure the work meets industry standards. It's worth contacting an inspector for your building before you begin any work on your roof.

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